Wednesday, August 4, 2010

When Toto Discovered He Wasn't in Kansas

Hopefully by now you know that I am in Poland and not in Canton. I'm already missing home and it made me think of the Wizard of Oz. Don't ask me why but it did. And it got me thinking...You know everyone gives Dorothy credit for being gone from Kansas but we seem to forget about Toto. Toto was out of his element too. No home conveniences. And, as a dog, how did he really feel about the scarecrow? Poor Toto. I wonder what top few things got Toto's attention about Emerald City and the surrounding area...

Anyhow, here are a few things that got my attention this week and reminded me I am definitely NOT home...

1. When a local who speaks both Polish and English tells you that you can learn the language easily if you say things as they are spelled and it reads how it sounds...and when you try it you end up calling someone something, ummmm, embarrassing....Toto ain't home.

2. When you are working in an apartment with 4 other people (of which 3 are women) and one guy (not me) decides to change clothes down to his speedo skivvies...and no one says ANYTHING...Toto ain't home.

3. When you witness the Kingdom of God come to earth with compassion and power...and realize that what you see is just a glimmer of what is to come...Toto wants to experience home.

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